As far as possible, an effort has been made to give a reasonable account of homeopathic treatment along with causes, symptoms, diagnosis etc. There are certain cardinal rules, for use of homeo medicines and treatment which should be borne in mind, which are listed below for the benefit of the readers.
1. Before homeo treatment is started, it is always advisable to start with 3-4 doses of Nux Vomica so that effects of previous medicines are offset. This is particularly essential where an allopathic treatment has already been in use.
2. Best time to take a dose is to start with the first dose early in the morning on empty stomach, as first thing in the morning after rinsing of mouth with non-fragrant cleansing agents.
3. Half an hour, before and after taking the medicine nothing should be eaten or drunk.
4. During the course of homeo treatment, no other medicine, belonging to allopathy, should be taken, except under medical advice only.
5. All homeo medicines should be fully protected from dust light, fragrance, scents, sun-rays, and also there is no necessity, at all for keeping such medicines in the refrigerator or exposed to hot climatic. In damp climates, care should be taken that moisture or moist climate do not cause any harm to medicines. In rains and rainy season also keep the medicines well protected.
6. No magical effects should be expected from homeo treatment, particularly when it is followed after the allopathic treatment, as it takes time to ward off the pervious effects of allopathic medicines.
7. potency, frequency and duration of each remedy may have to be varied often, depending on the condition of the patient and status of the disorder.
8. certain remedies run concurrently with other remedies which are complementary to each other. In such cases, the former should follow the principle remedy. Remedies which are inimical, should neither be taken before or after the principle remedy. In fact, inimical remedies must be avoided, at all costs.
9. All the intermediary complications, as and when they surface during course of treatments, should be immediately attended to.
10. Garlic, onion and other pungent or scented or fragrant articles, should not be used, at least in raw form. They may be used, if unavoidable, in cooked form.
11. Potencies :
a) 6th, 12th, 30th or mother tinctures or 1x, 3x, 6x, or 30x potencies are low potencies and may be repeated at an interval of 4-6 hours. In acute or serious states, low potencies may be repeated even after a gap of 10-15 minutes or even earlier when the grave situation has already occurred.
b) 200th potencies should be used once a week only. Modern homeo doctor, sometimes, deviate form the standard norms and often give 200th potency with a gap of 30-60 minutes in a day (say 3 does after a gap of 30-45 or 60 minutes)
c) 1000th potency should be given once only in 10-15 days.
d) Potencies from 10,000 onwards should be used only once in a month. Repetition of dose should be resorted to, only after effect of first dose has been exhausted.
e) Potencies from 1, 00,000 onwards (above 1cm) should be rarely used, and that also not earlier than 45-60 days gap. Potencies, from 10m onwards (10,000) do require an expert physician’s advice and guidance.

12. Cautions on use of certain specific remedies.
a) Never give Calcarea carb before sulphur or and never use Lycopodium after sulphur.
b) Never use Rhus Tox and Apis before or after each other, as they are inimical to each other.
c) Ignatia and Nux Vomica are never to be followed by each other.
d) Drosera, Lachesis, Nux Vom and sulphur should not be repeated quite frequently.
e) If sulphur is given in the morning and Nux Vomica at night, it will prove very beneficial. These too medicines, if taken, as advised above, for a few days, will relieve the patient from many disorders
f) When symptoms agree, but even the well selected remedies fail to show any favourable outcome, in that case, give a dose of sulphur 30. it will pave the way for the selected remedy to act and also, in addition cause appearance and surfacing symptoms which remained dormant, so far/heretofore.
g) Keep away Camphor and kreosote-Qmdicines from all other medicines.
h) Homeopathic and Biochemic remedies can be used in conjunction, as they are not inimical, rather they aid and supplement each other.
13. Do not use milk with Bromium.
14. Avoid in addition to garlic & onions, use of asafetida, camphor, Tea, Tabacco,
Beer or any spirituous liquor.
15. Higher doses of silicea can cause reappearance of suppressed symptoms of
16. In chronic cases, never start treatment with Lycopodium.
17. In inflammatory swelling of joints, use of kali Carb may prove fatal even.
18. Medicines (Remedies) prepared from snake poisons, like lachesis, crotalus,
Should not be used in mother tincture (Q) form or in lower forms. All such
medicines should be used with extreme caution.
19. Study carefully remedies like Aconite, Bellodonna, Bryonia, Conium, Calcarea
Carb, Calcarea Phos, Dulcamara, Ignatia, Kali Phos, Lachesis Merc Solubles,
Nux Vomica, Opium, Pulsatilla, Rhus Tox, Sepia, Veratim Album, Wyethia,
Zincum Phos/Zincun Met etc.