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(1) Common From: It begins mostly from 40th to 50th year. It is commonly found in those who seem to passes a very strong constitution and those who are stout, strong and have a well-developed body structure and also those endowed with ragged health. Diabetes, in these subjects, may persist for an extremely long period, and with hygienic precautions followed perseveringly, this disease is compatible with long life.
Diabetics are subject to accidents which are not always avoidable.
This particular, stage may result in :
i. Gingivitis, with expulsion of teeth.
ii. Itchy and scaly eruptions on skin, especially on the hands, with dryness of the skin, great sensitiveness to cold as well as to heat, pruritus of the vulva..
iii. Impotency with the symptoms of spermatorrhea
iv. Urethritis, blenorrhoea, phimosis, presbyopia, anaurosis, cataract. But, the above-mentioned complications are not fatal and, thus differ from those grave accidents such as boils, gangrene and cerebral affections. Other complications can be named as boils, carbuncles, gangrene (of skin, extremities, pulmonary) diabetic or acetonemic coma (which occurs when volume of urine is diminished but the quantit of sugar excreted remains the same). It may also occur after the excessive fatigue or despression of the Nervous system, and often dyspnoea, irregular pulse, diarrhea, vomiting, convulsion may also accompany it.

(2)Cachetic Stage: pulmonary phthisis and albuminuria are the usual causes of this stage. In diabetic, phthisis patient becomes rapidly emaciated, with complete exhaustion, with poor appetite and digestive disturbances, cough, repeated blood vomiting colliquative diarrhea, and may terminate in speedy death. But, when albuminurea is present the patient can have oedema, puffiness of face, progressive decrease quantity of urine, headache, visual disturbances, eclampic abrupt attacks, abruptly ending in death.

(3) Consumptive Form: it begins with excessive thirst, excessive hunger, progressive emaciation. In this consumptive form, diabetic affections ate quite rare. Pulmonary pthisis is a predominant complication which often appears before end of the first year, with an alarmingly rapid course. The latter condition occurs generally in those who have been weakened by excessive loss of vital fluids and privations. This is diabetes of the poor, undernourished and the deprived whereas the former form often infects the rich, well to do and healthy persons.

(4) Accidental Form: This is also called ‘Being Form’ of diabetes by some authors and is often easily recognized by easy and spontaneous disappearance of sugar from the urine. This form is found, generally, in healthy persons and can be treated (if not cured) by some infallible remedies. Benign form has all the salient symptoms of diabetes, such as excessive abnormal thirst and appetite, weakness, furuncles etc.

(5) Acute Form: It is also called ‘Fulminant Form’ and is characterized by raped and intense occurrences but is rarest of all forms. In a few weeks of its onset, symptoms, peculiar to diabetes, appear very suddenly, such as carbuncles phlagmonous inflammation, acutepthisis, pulmonary gangrene etc.

(6) Irregular or Abnormal Form: This form is not covered by any of the forementioned forms. In this course, there is irregular course of appearance and symptoms are unusual. It may be caused by chronic charohoea, gout, or even fairly long intervals of perfect health. Neurosis gives a peculiar feature to abnormal diabetes, in which hypochondria, hysteria and insanity occur together or alternatively, with usual diabetic symptoms. In addition, there is an abnormal sexual desire which is in contradistinction with the habituel frigidity of diabetes. Its onset, development and symptoms are so slow that clinical tests often required to pinpoint presence of this form.

(7)Azoturic Form: The symptoms appear like diabetic symptoms but, in fact, point out to presence of excess of urea, instead of sugar, its accompanying symptoms include loss of taste, paroxysmal headache, neuralgic pains, insomnia, colour blindness, vertigo, mental weakness, loss of memory, trembling. It occurs mostly in men, between the age of 20 and 40 years. The usual causes are (That is the exciting causes) are fright, grief, excessive venery, repeated pregnancies and women, emotions, alcoholism. To avoid any possible misgivings and confusion, azoturic from has been mentioned simply to distinguish it from diabetes mellitus/insipidions.