Posted by Part Time Jobs Online | 4:37 AM

This is a diabetic disorder which is caused by low concentration of glucose in the blood. It is triffered by insulin reaction or not taking diet after insulin injections, or when dietary regimen is stretched to the point of starvation or when there is a longer gap between oral antidiabetic drugs and food intake or long stretched fasting.

If there is no adequate supply oxygen and glucose to the brain, it can’t function. If brain is not fed with sufficient and requisite supply of glucose its normal activity will come to standstill, if glucose, level is allowed to be very low. If such an unwarranted situation is allowed to continue and is not checked in good time due to dropping of glucose below dangerous and critical levels) many serious repercussion may occur such as:-

Raped pulsation or tachycardia, pounding pulse, headache, general run-down condition when the patient thinks he is about to skin, hunger, pallor, acute anxiety and restlessness, Nervousness, nausea, vomiting (though rare), blurred vision, trembling etc.

If the above ‘initial warning signals’ are ignored or no remedial steps are taken without delay then the aforesaid symptoms are followed by the undernoted symptoms such as poor co-ordinations, inappropriate behavioral disorder, crying, irritability, hyper-excitability, drowsiness, confusion, fatigue, short-term memory failure, lack of concentration, loss of consciousness, (generalized) convulsive movements.

It is a reassuring sign that all the above mentioned ‘initial’ and later ‘warnings signals and signs’ can be immediately encountered or overcome within a few seconds, if the hypoglycaemic patient or the person showing the foregoing symptoms, is given sugar in any form whatsoever. He may be given sugar in liquefied form, (as in cold drinks), toffees, corn syrup or any other syrup, glucose, honey, sugarcane juice or juice of some fruit that carries maximum amount of fructose (fruit sugar).

In our opinion crystal sugar or glucose, dissolved in water can provide instant relief and freedom from all the odd symptoms, because liquid sugar metabolises instantly. If such a vehicle is not handy, then any other item may be given. It after 5-10 minutes the situation does not improve repeat the dose until complete relief is attained and the patient comes back to his formal/normal condition. All failing give I.V. glucose drip.

All such patients are advised to keep sugar or any sugar based source with them always, so that in case of any acute crisis he could manage the problem himself. The patient should never let such a serious situation to arise because a delay of even a few cases may even cause death.

IDDM patients and those who are taking high doses of anti-diabetic drugs should be extra cautious and should remain guarded and well equipped against such acute situations. Not only among diabeties but such symptoms may be noticed in non-diabetics also, especially if the latter keep without food for long time or take their food after long intervals or resort to repeated & prolonged fastings. Treatment for both the cases is the same.