To sun up what has been written earlier and also, in addition to other point, following hints may be of some use:

(1) Always take meals at the same time daily. There may be save circumstantial delay due to which diet may have to be delayed but such delays should not be a permanent feature of daily life.
(2) Occasional diet changes should be made so as to avoid motonomy of eating same type of diet each day.
(3) Breakfast/morning diet, lunch, supper, dinner should never have repetition of the same eatable item. Let in be replaced by another food item, having equivalent calorie value.
(4) Never eat stomachful, rather take your diet in divided quantity at different times. The reason is that, if you take plenty of food items at one serving , Your blood sugar will amazingly rise up. But, on the contrary, if you take diet (say 5-6 times) in divided and measured quantity, your blood sugar will rise proportionel which is known as sustained rise is sugar level. Sustained rise is always preferable to sudden rise.
(5) Some experts say that diabetics should, as matter of habit, eat after every two hours in very limited quantity each time. If such a regulated time-bound chart, coupled with measured ad minimal quantity of food items could be worked out and practiced then, body will automatically adjust itself to scheduled and time-bound diet-intake. If such a pattern could be feasible, the patient will have sustained rise in blood sugar level which is often within sustainable limits.
(6) Diabetics should never take any anti-diabetic oral drugs on empty stomach. They must eat something before taking such drugs. It should be made a routine practice. If drug intake is conformed with food intake, there cannot be any confusion and fear of sudden repetition of dose, due to forgetfulness, can also be avoided.
(7) For IDDM patients it is of utmost importance to have diet, after taking insulin injections, otherwise a hypoglycaemia state may ensure causing his insulin injection before boarding the plane but did not ear any late. By the time he landed from his plane he was over perhaps as a result of hyperglycaemia. Such patients must keep some sweet stuffs with them whether they are IDDM or NIDDM patients. We repeat hypoerglycaemia is far more dangerous than hyperglycaemia.
(8) self- management of diet is the key-word for the diabetics. They should themselves make all efforts to procure, preserve and consume all the requisites which have been prescribed for them. They should also educate their family members about the dietary schedules, timings and restrictions so that the meetings, at launching table, are enjoyable and without acrimony.