Of all the tests, it is the most reliable, precise and test, especially on a rapidly fluctuating glycaemia states or even in cases of uncontrolled diabetes. Fluctuations in glucose level reading can be erroneous or even misleading, due to errors and variations in insulin dose, meals oral ant diabetic drugs & amount of exercise. HbA will give a clear average out of all the peaks and low levels (troughs) of the blood glucose over a period of 2-3 months before the test is actually undertaken.
Haemoglobin A is a component of the red pigment in the blood which carries oxygen from lungs to other body organs, HbA can be measured as a percentage of all the Hb. Present, by means of various laboratory methods. Total amount of HbA present is in direct proportion to the average blood glucose during the past 3 months life span of the HbA that contains in the blood, red blood corpuscles (R.B.Cs ). Following values may be of interest:
i. Persons without diabetes : Normal values 6 to 8 %
ii. In persons who have recently been diagnosed as diabetics or persons with poorly controlled diabetes: values may range from 20 to 25%
iii. In well-controlled diabetics : 6 to 8.5%
iv. In persons with to low glucose levels: The value may be below 6% which is an abnormal average (This is due to excessive insulin intake by injections).
All the aforesaid various levels give average over the 2-3 months’ period, prior to HbA test.
In market ‘diastic’ brand sticks are available by which one can measure glucose level (in percentage) in urine and blood. A chart of various colours is given, with which colour of urine is to be matched. Similarly, there are glucometres also available. But, to our mind one cannot be sure of the accuracy of the results which could be misleading also, as one has to closely adhere to the instructions, (failing which results may not be precise)
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