Human body is composed of bones, flesh, bone marrow, semen, tissues, bile, phlegm, water, wind, different minerals, chemicals, arteries, veins, nerves, capillaries etc. principal organs like brain, lungs, heart, liver, stomach, intestines, sexual organs and excretory organs function in a unified pattern and style and all the functions occur in such a unison and harmony that one wonders how silently, faithfully, regularly and sincerely all organs discharge their respective functions unless, of course, these are abused and disturbed by our indiscreet actions.
Nature of human beings is governed by three Gunas (qualities or tracts) viz sattva, Rajas and tamas and the ages at childhood, youth, middle and old age are governed and motivated by these (or any one of the above) tracts. Diseases or emanating sources thereof stem from the three gunas. One person may be sattavik vritti is tendency. orientation of a person and his nature (pravritti) is also determined by his infliction to anyone of the gunas. The ayurvedic physician, while examining the pulse of a patient, will immediately conclude as to from which dosha his body is ailing and also that to which guna he belongs. The vaidya knows well what is the cause responsible for his patient’s ailment. Thus, he would try to establish a proper equilibrium between the three doshas. He will not only discern from the pulse, but also examine his heart, digestive system, respiratory system, condition of tongue, capacity of the patient, his desires and aversions his dietary menu, his mental state and his tracts.
He will also take into consideration his family history, the environment and climate in which he resides, his social background, his profession and its demands on his health, age, sex etc. In ayurvedic system, a person is treated as a whole and emphasis is on rooting out the basic cause of the disorder, instead of giving only palliatives or some tranquillsers. In cases of emergency, he may have to resort to such short cut methods but, in the long run, he will be relying on the actual basic cause of the disorder, instead of giving only palliatives or some tranquillsers. In case of emergency, he may have to resort to such short cut methods but, in the long run, he will be relying on the actual basic cause.
Materia medica of ayurveda dwells upon the Rasas (or juices or extracts/essences) which are derived from vegetables, fruits, meat, grains, animal foods like classified butter, milk, curd, whey etc. It is the food which causes most of the ailments. So, the ayurvedacharya will, first of all, look into eating habits of a patient. In his view, wrong food causes most of the ailments and when such food, or even the normal food, when it remains undigested, causes many serious complications which, in turn, can cause other physical problems.
Human being, according to Ayurveda, is a part of the greatest power (the supreme reality) and is endowed with qualities of supreme power, five elements (Panch Bhutas) constitute this body (earth, fire, water, sky and air). When the five elements combine life comes into being but, when these five elements disintegrate, death occurs. These five essential are essential attributes of nature (prakriti) or environment (paryavaran). Again recapitulating what has been mentioned earlier, we return to trinity of vata. Pitta and kapha which is said to be combination of certain other constituents which are mentioned as per following details.
1. Vata (wind) is a combination of air and ether (akaash)
2. Pitta (bile) is an amalgamated form of earth and fire (Prithvi and Fire)
3. Kapha (Phlegm) is a combination of water (jal) and ether.
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